Αρχική » Προϊόντα » Motion Controllers » Coordinators » Conventional
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The MC508 is a high specification Motion Coordinator using a high performance ARM Cortex A9 800 Mhz Processor, with eight Voltage outputs and eight flexible axis ports, that can be configured for up to sixteen pulse and direction output axes or eight closed loop servo axes.
The MC405 is a high specification Motion Coordinator using a high performance ARM11 processor, with five flexible axis ports and four Voltage outputs.
The MC404-Z is a low cost panel mount Motion Coordinator, targeting high volume stepper applications. With just one version that has all features as standard, there is no requirement for axis configuration with Feature Codes before use.
The MC403-X is a panel mount Motion Coordinator using a high performance Cortex M7 processor.
The MC403 is a high specification Motion Coordinator using a high performance ARM11 processor, with three flexible axis ports and two Voltage outputs.
The Euro404 and Euro408 Motion Coordinators are designed to provide a powerful yet cost effective control solution for OEM machine builders that are prepared to mount the unit and provide the power supplies required.
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